
通告:谨防不法分子冒充我校行骗!/ ATTENTION! SCAM ALERT!

⚠️敬致:全体教职员生、家长、校友 近期,有不法分子假借我校名义,以虚假订单向多家供应商订购大量货品,进行诈骗。请大家务必提高警惕,不轻易相信任何未经核实的电话、邮件或短信。 培南独中 敬启 ========== ⚠️To all staff, students, parents, and alumni: Recently, we have received reports of fraudulent activities involving individuals or organizations falsely claiming to represent Poi Lam High School and placing large orders with various suppliers. We urge everyone to remain vigilant and to exercise extreme caution when responding to unsolicited calls, emails, or text messages. Back

通告:谨防不法分子冒充我校行骗!/ ATTENTION! SCAM ALERT! Read More »

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