培南独中 Poi Lam High School

英文学会 English Language Society


The English Language Society (ELS) is a recreation ground where students can communicate, play and practise to improve their level of English.

This provides a less formal environment but positive opportunities for students to listen to and participate in speaking English.

The importance of being able to use English in everyday conversations as well as in social life communication is undeniable.

The Vision for English Language Society:

Seek to foster knowledge and a love for literature and for the language in our students.

Our Goals:

  • To build confidence to communicate in English.
  • To overcome their difficulties in English studies.
  • To provide the English Language Society a better profile in the school.

Our Objectives:

To create activities such as games, fun quizzes, short presentations on topics of their own interests, events happening in their everyday life as well as the current social problems being interested in by younger people.

To provide opportunities for students to improve their communication skills, create critical reflections in communication, practice the skills of asking questions as well as giving presentations in the English language.

 Function and Description of Committee Members:


  • Oversees the smooth running of the entire society
  • To ensure all committee members performing to their duties
  • To ensure all committee members and society members with each other

Vice President

  • To assist the President on all tasks and duties
  • To perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence


  • To keep records and minutes of all meetings and extra cocurriculum activities
  • Maintain records of the committee and ensure effective management records

Vice Secretary

  • To help out the Secretary to perform all stipulated duties
  • To complete all tasks and responsibilities given by the Secretary


  • To keep track of all finances and accounts of the society
  •  To give a full financial report as and when requested

General Affairs

  • Responsible for the overall general administrative duties for the society
  • To enhance the smoothness of the communication and work flow of the society


  • To monitor matters relating to members’ discipline in the society
  • To ensure collaboration among all committee members in helping members with behavior issues

Event Planner

  • To plan and organise events and activities for the society
  • To enhance communication and bonding among all committee members and members of the society

Assistant Event Planners

  • To assist in carrying out the Event Planner’s duties
  • To coordinate the relationship between all members in the society
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