领取 SPM/ STPM/ UEC 成绩已有一段时日。如果你还在迷茫,不清楚哪个课程适合自己,不了解课程设置及就业方向,面临经济困难,或者觉得自己的成绩无法升学……
我们鼓励你参加新纪元大学学院在 2024 年 9 月 14-15 日(星期六和星期日)举办的校园导览暨课程体验日。
To students who have yet to further their studies:
It has been a while since you received your SPM/UEC/STPM results. If you are still feeling lost, confused about which course to choose is right for you, unclear about course content and career options in future, facing financial challenges, or concerned that your grades might limit your educational abilities…..
Here would like to encourage you to attend the Campus Tour and Course Experience Day at New Era University College on September 14-15, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday).
The event will feature not only diverse course experiences and professional course consultations but also free career assessment tests, campus tours, exclusive admission discounts and scholarships, gifts, board game experiences, and more!
Click the link below to RSVP now!
Appointment link: https://forms.gle/41Ws2DGPqUvVG3eF6
Wishing you success in discovering your path forward!