培南独中 Poi Lam High School

图书馆团 Librarians



The Poi Lam High School Library, costing RM40, 000, was established in March 1976 in memory of the father of our former School Governor Tan Mung Lee PMP AMP and his brother.




We have a total of 26343 reading materials, comprising 13185 Chinese books, 4733 English books and 894 Bahasa Melayu books.  There are 1414 copies of encyclopaedia and 6117 reference books. 





The School Librarian Council was set up in 1979 to provide its service, encourage students to read and to borrow reading materials from the library so as to mould a reading habit among our students, which will not only raise their level of knowledge, but also develop in them a healthy personality.

As everyone knows, a library is a place for keeping books.  A library is a treasure house of knowledge; its importance is likened to that of the human heart.  Our library keeps a wide variety of books.  Book lovers can always make use of their recess time or time after school to read newspapers, magazines and other reference books. The School Librarians themselves should set a good example of wide reading, making the library their second home. It is only through their enthusiasm in reading that other students can be beneficially influenced. It is our fervent hope that a keen reading atmosphere can be moulded throughout the length and breadth of our Poi Lam campus.


图书馆的内部没施  FACILITIES


  1. 服务柜台:分为借书柜台和还书柜台,处理借还书手续。另提供复印服务。
  2. 电脑区:供学生上网查询课外阅读资料和完成功课。
  3. 阅读区:摆放华巫英报章,供师生馆内阅读。
  4. 藏书区:摆放中、英、巫各类书籍,供师生借阅。
  5. 参考书区:摆放各类工具书、百科全书和参考书,供师生馆内阅读。
  6. 杂志区:存放本馆订阅和获赠的中、英文杂志,供师生阅读。
  7. 历年校内考试各科试卷区:存放历年校内考试各科试卷,供馆内阅读与复印。
  8. 历届毕业刊区:存放各校校刊与特刊,仅供馆内阅读。
  9. 亲师生共赏齐学资料库:提供儒家学说书籍和光碟予家长、师生借阅或索取。

We have set up a cashier counter, a reading room, a book store and a reference books department.

  • Counter service

We provide the service of book borrowing and book returning.  Photocopying service is also available.

  • Computer area

Computers are available for students to do their homework and research.

  • Reading area

Reading of newspapers and books can be done in this area. Self-study and personal reading area is provided.

  • Book Storage

Materials in Malay, Chinese and English are displayed, and can be read freely.

  • Reference books corner

Students and staff members can do their reference work with a variety of reading and reference materials.

  • Magazine corner

Chinese and English magazines are available.

  • Past year papers

Exam papers are available for all subjects.

  • Graduation magazines

Various schools’ graduation magazines can be found here.

  • Materials for Confucius Study

Parents and students can take or read the materials available.



星期一至星期五:   上午八时至下午四时

星期六:                   上午八时至中午一时

学校假期:               上午九时至中午一时

星期日或公共假期: 休息



Monday to Friday       : from 8.00am to 4.00pm

Saturday                    : from 8.00am to 1.00pm

During school holiday : from 9.00am to 1.00pm

Please be noted that the library is closed on Sunday and public holidays.

目的 Objective

  1. 为本校师生提供借还书服务。
  2. 协助推动并提升阅读风气。
  3. 培养团队合作精神。
  4. 营造校园书香气息。

展望 Vision

  1. 提供跟更多的图书给学生
  2. 提供更多的参考书给学生
  3. 增加图书馆的活动

目标 Goal

  1. 增加图书馆的图书
  2. 增加学校的阅读风气


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