和韵国际音乐杯:喜获2金6银与晋级国际赛!/ Won 2 Golds and 6 Silvers in “Harmony Music Cup”
在8月16日和17日举行的《和韵国际音乐杯》上,培南独中华乐团凭借精湛的演奏技艺大放异彩,斩获2金5银;廿四节令鼓队更是不遑多让,不仅荣获“最佳鼓艺技术奖”和银奖,还成功晋级国际赛5强! 『得奖名单——华乐团』大合奏:《你追我赶》 ——金奖声部合奏:《龙腾虎跃》——金奖 ;《在希望的田野上》——银奖重奏:《八月桂花遍地开》,《丰收之歌》——银奖敲击:《鼓威》——银奖独奏(杜健勇):《送你一枝玫瑰花》——银奖 『得奖名单——廿四节令鼓』《细水长流,生生不息》——最佳鼓艺技术奖;银奖*入围国际赛5 强* ================= The Poi Lam High School Chinese Orchestra and Chinese 24 Drums Team made a remarkable show at the “Harmony Music Cup” held on August 16th and 17th. With their exceptional teamwork and musical talent, the Chinese Orchestra won 2 gold medals and 5 silver medals, while the drumming team claimed the “Best Drumming Technique Award”, a silver medal, and a spot in the international competition’s top 5! Back
和韵国际音乐杯:喜获2金6银与晋级国际赛!/ Won 2 Golds and 6 Silvers in “Harmony Music Cup” Read More »