培南独中 Poi Lam High School

Author name: 宣教组 Public Relation Team


 培南独中篮球队日前在近打区篮球赛中,摘获D区18岁以下男子组冠军和女子组亚军,以及近打区篮球赛18岁以下男子组亚军和女子组季军,共斩获4项大奖,充份展现了团队合作精神。 =============== 全文阅读: 《中国报 China Press》https://perak.chinapress.com.my/…/%E5%9F%B9%E5%8D%97…/ Back

近打北区篮球赛,培南独中斩获4奖 Read More »


老师和同学们: 以上是2024年培南独中领袖培训营的海报和简章。报名日期由即日起 至 2024年6月4日(星期二),相关详情请查阅简章。如有问题可询问联课活动处,谢谢。 线上报名:https://forms.gle/5hznjjPBCWu3fc7q8 ================ Teachers and students: Attached above is the leadership camp poster and particulars. Registration date starts from today until 4/6/2024 (Tue), please check further details in attachment. Kindly inquire ECA dept. should you have any questions. Thank you. Online registration: https://forms.gle/5hznjjPBCWu3fc7q8 Back

2024年培南独中领袖培训营 Read More »

AUG 大学与奖学金申请日

🧐 Are you looking for THAT perfect connection? 🥰 Join us this June for our 【Scholarship & University Application Day! 】 📚✨ Just like finding your Mr. Right, discovering the ideal course and university that aligns with your goals and personality is essential. Whether you’re beginning your exploration or ready to commit to your future, this event is a crucial milestone in your educational journey. 🗓 15 June 2024 (Saturday)🕒 2-6 pm📍 AUG Student Services, Ipoh. Address: 54, Persiaran Greenhill, 30450 Ipoh, Perak. Register now 🔗 https://juneapplicationday24.eventbrite.com.au/?aff=wa ✨ Let us guide you in finding “The One” – the perfect match that will pave the way for your dreams to come true. 🌈 Back Further studies Information

AUG 大学与奖学金申请日 Read More »


日前举行的近打区篮球赛中,培南独中篮球队再创佳绩,斩获共计4个奖项。 这不仅是对培南独中篮球队刻苦训练的肯定,也是对培南体育精神的弘扬。 具体获奖情况如下: 【近打北区(D区)篮球赛】男子组18岁以下——冠军女子组18岁以下——亚军 【近打区篮球赛】男子组18岁以下——亚军女子组18岁以下——季军 相信在未来的比赛中,培南独中篮球队会再接再厉,取得更加优异的成绩! ============================== Congratulations to Poi Lam High School’s Basketball Team for winning a total of 4 prizes in both the Kinta Utara (Zone D) Basketball Competition and Kinta interzone! 【Kinta Utara (Zone D) Basketball Competition】Boys’ U18——ChampionGirls’ U18——1st Runner Up 【Kinta interzone Basketball Competition】Boys’ U18——1st Runner UpGirls’ U18——2nd Runner Up Back

培南篮球队斩获近打区篮球赛4奖项! Read More »

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