培南独中 Poi Lam High School


新冠病毒检测提醒 Remind of COVID-19 swab tests

致:全体家长&监护人 由于学校假期即将结束,为了确保全体师生的安全,校方鼓励家长自行在家为孩子进行新冠病毒检测,并在10/3/24之前将检测结果发予班导师以作记录。谢谢您的配合。 Attention to parents & guardians, The school encourages parents & guardians to assist your children with conducting COVID-19 swab tests at home as the school holiday draws to a close. The test results should be sent to the class teachers before 10/3/24 for record purposes. It is to ensure the safety of the school community.Thank you.

新冠病毒检测提醒 Remind of COVID-19 swab tests Read More »

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