2024年剑桥考试(IGCSE)成绩揭晓,培南独中传来捷报!今年的161名考生当中,共有68名学子取得了4A至10A的优异成绩,整体及格率更是高达93%,与2023年的87%及格率相比有显著提升! 值得一提的是,培南独中各学科成绩均表现优异。生物、化学、物理三门理科的及格率均高达96%以上,分别有51名、73名和52名学生取得A等成绩。 高级数学科及格率为90%,共有45名学生考获A等;数学科则是及格率92%,当中有81名学生取得A等,即是说在161名报考的学生当中,有超过50%的学生是考获数学科A等的优异成绩。此外,培南独中在文商科方面也取得了显著的成绩进步,英语及格率从去年的64%提升至83%,经济学更是达到85%,分别获得了近20%和33%的提升。 这不仅是同学们个人努力的成果,更是学校教育教学质量的体现。希望同学们能以此为起点,继续努力,攀登更高的学术高峰。 ============ The results of the 2024 Cambridge International Examinations (IGCSE) have been released, among 161 candidates, a total of 68 students achieved the results with flying colour, with scores ranging from 4A to 10A. The overall passing rate reached an impressive 93%, showing a significant improvement compared to last year’s 87%. It is worth noting that Poi Lam High School performed exceptionally well across all subjects. The pass rates for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics were all above 96%, with 51, 73, and 52 students respectively achieving A grades. The Advanced Mathematics subject had a pass rate of 90%, with 45 students attaining A grades. The Mathematics subject saw a pass rate of 92%, with 81 students receiving A grades. This means that out of the 161 students who took the exam, more than 50% earned A grades in Mathematics. Furthermore, Poi Lam High School also made significant progress in the arts and commerce subjects. The pass rate for English rose from 64% last year to 83%, and Economics reached 85%, reflecting improvements of nearly 20% and 33% respectively. This success is not only a result of the students’ individual efforts but also a reflection of the school’s quality of education and teaching. We hope that the students will take this as a starting point to continue striving for excellence and reaching new academic heights. Back