培南独中 Poi Lam High School

Author name: 宣教组 Public Relation Team


为帮助学生规划未来,探索升学之路,培南独中将于7月5日(星期五)举办“学海探险”升学教育展,届时有超过50所国内外的大学设摊,提供升学与奖助学金资讯。 这项教育展的开放时间为上午8时至下午2时30分。为方便学生和家长前来参观,校方将提供免费校车载送服务,诚邀各校学生、家长及社会人士出席。 ======================= 全文阅读:《中国报 ChinaPress》https://perak.chinapress.com.my/…/%E3%80%8A%E5%AD%A6…/ 《光华日报 KwongWah》https://www.kwongwah.com.my/…/%E5%AD%A6%E6%B5%B7%E6%8E…/ Back

培南独中7月5办教育展,逾50国内外大学设摊 Read More »


培南独中-第三期月报已经出炉了! 四月份的培南独中校园生活多姿多彩,除了有学生在联课活动上获得不少佳绩,还有恩典青年中心主导的反毒巡回演出,以及著名漫画家Cheeming Boey到我校进行签书活动。 另外,4月23日是世界阅读日,我校图书馆在当天举办书展和借阅送礼活动,提升学校阅读风气。 赶快来了解培南独中校园最新态动哦!================ The third issue of Poi Lam High School e-paper is available now In addition to students achieving great results in co-curricular activities, there were many interesting activities in April. The Charis Youth Centre visited our school for an anti-drug awareness program, and the famous cartoonist, Cheeming Boey visited to our school. Furthermore, April 23 is World Reading Day. Our school library holds a book fair as well as book lending and gift-giving activities on that day to enhance the reading atmosphere on campus.  阅读更多 Read More Back

培南独中-第三期月报已经出炉了! Read More »

培南独中空手道健儿摘5奖,闪耀King of Tatami国际赛场!

在2024年度King of Tatami空手道国际赛中,来自培南独中的选手们奋勇拼搏,一举斩获5枚奖牌,为校争光! 得奖名单: 《套拳(型)》17岁以上女子组:陈可颖 (季军 ) 《搏击(组手)》14至15岁女子组:黄诩萱(季军,50公斤以下)16至17岁男子组:陈锦进(季军,50公斤以下),孙硕男(亚军,61公斤以上),陈正轩(殿军,61公斤以上) 培南独中一直以来高度重视学生体育素质的培养,积极鼓励学生参与各类体育活动;而空手道不仅是一项强身健体的运动,更是一种锻造精神意志的武道。它强调礼仪、精神、毅力和自律,这些宝贵的品质对学子们的成长和发展具有重要意义。 =============== At the 2024 King of Tatami Karate International Championship, athletes from Poi Lam High School put up a valiant fight, securing a total of 5 medals and bringing honor to the school! Back

培南独中空手道健儿摘5奖,闪耀King of Tatami国际赛场! Read More »

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