培南独中弈棋社携手将领棋院,共同举办的校内中国象棋比赛于近日圆满落幕。经过多轮激烈对弈,梁钧皓最终再次问鼎高中组冠军,新秀王骏乐首战告捷,夺得初中组冠军,未来可期。 值得一提的是,梁钧皓和王骏乐两位选手不仅在校内比赛称霸,更在校外赛事中同样表现出色,尤其是梁钧皓——他在2023年和今年度的《全霹雳中小学象棋锦标赛》,以及近期的《国庆杯全霹雳象棋中小学公开赛》中,接连斩获多项U18组冠军,在棋艺比赛中取得显著成果。================Poi Lam High School Chess Club, in collaboration with General Chess Academy, recently concluded its annual Chinese chess competition. After several rounds of intense competition, Leong Jun Hao, a seasoned competitor, successfully defended his Senior championship title, while newcomer Ong Jun Le claimed the Junior championship. Notably, both Leong and Ong have excelled in numerous external competitions. Leong, in particular, has won multiple U18 championships in the All-Perak Primary & Secondary School Chess Championship in 2023 and this year, as well as the recent Kejohanan Catur Cina Sekolah Rendah dan Sekolah Menengah Peringkat Negeri Perak Tahun 2024-Xiang Qi Madani. 初中组 第1名——王峻乐 Ong Jun Le(J1MIN )第2名——阮紫钦Lucas Nyan Zi Qin(J3YI)第3名——钟孝诚 Choong Hou Sheng(J2PIN)第4名——王春森 Heng Chun Sen(J2ZI)第5名——张铭泽 Chong Ming Zee(J3LI)第6名——蔡斯涛 Chuah Sze Tao( J2ZI)第7名——张诚盛 Cheong Seng Seng(J2ZI)第8名——罗梓栎 Luo ZiYue(J2PIN) 高中组 第1名——梁钧皓 Leong Jun Hao(S2SAN)第2名——庞企洋 Phang Qi Yang(S1MIN)第3名——陈子健 Chin Chee Kim Daniel(S2LI)第4名——曾梓轩 Chen Zi Xuan(S2HE)第5名——曾铭熙 Chung Darren(S2SAN)第6名——王得宇 Ong Teck Yue(S1LI)第7名——何衍进 Ho Yan Jun(S2HE)第8名——林齐瑞 Louis Lim(S2SAN) Back